Camp Policy Statements
Camp Celiac Camper Health Disclaimer:
Health Disclosure Statement:
Camp Celiac Additional Allergy Statement:
Camp Celiac will not be able to accommodate any other dietary intolerances, allergies and/or sensitivities (other than gluten free and lactose free). We are unable to accommodate dairy free or nut free participants. While Camp Celiac does not use foods containing nuts, our foods are not certified nut free. Many of our gluten-free foods are labeled as being processed on equipment where nuts are also processed. Due to this risk of cross contamination and danger to susceptible persons, Camp Celiac CANNOT accept participants with nut allergies/sensitivities/intolerances. We sincerely regret any inconvenience.
Emergency Care Authorization:
Permission to Provide Necessary Treatment or Emergency Care: I hereby give my permission and consent to the medical personnel selected by the camp director and/or camp nurses to order x-rays, routine tests, prescription and non-prescription medications, treatment; to release any records necessary for insurance purposes; and to provide or arrange necessary related transportation for my child. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician/health care provider selected by the camp director and/or camp nurses to secure and administer treatment, including hospitalization, for the participant I am registering. This consent may be photocopied for any trips out of camp.
Camp Celiac Zero Tolerance Policy:
For the safety of all persons at camp, Camp Celiac cannot and will not tolerate any of the behaviors listed below. I understand that the following will require me to leave camp prematurely. There will be no refunds.
- Smoking, vaping, drinking, use or possession of illegal substances.
- Climbing out of windows, or leaving sleeping areas after lights out for other than bathroom.
- Possession of any weapons or anything intended to be used as a weapon and/or all physical violence.
- Bullying, harassing, or intimidating other campers and staff.
- Behavior that places camper or others in an unsafe situation.
Camp Celiac Photograph Permission:
I give permission for photographs or videos of me to be used in Camp Celiac and Happiness is Camping promotional literature including, but not limited to, brochures, video, calendars, slide shows, Camp Celiac-associated websites, or the Camp Celiac Facebook page. Names will NOT be listed, shown, associated with, or publicized in any way by Camp Celiac.
Camp Celiac Refund Policy:
Camp registration tuition and fees are not refundable. We do understand that unexpected circumstances can arise and therefore encourage our camp families to explore the Protection Plan offered through CampDoc.
Camp Celiac Policy for Welcoming All Regardless of Gender Identity:
We strive to secure every camper’s right and expectations to fully experience camp free from prejudice and harassment.
- We supervise campers to prevent and address any gender or identity-based slurs or bullying.
- We allow campers to self-determine their gender identity and expression.
- We talk before and during camp with parents and caregivers of trans* and gender non-conforming campers about how best to structure the camp experience.
- We ask for and use the campers’ preferred names and pronouns.
- We respect campers’ right to privacy by not disclosing a camper’s gender identity, rather allowing them to choose if and when they share it. A camper’s trans* identity is treated as confidential medical information.
- If a camper shares that he/she/they (or a family member or friend) is or might be trans* or gender non-conforming, we respond with compassion and support and help campers identify resources for further help and reflection.
- We assign campers to cabins that match their gender identity (see #3 above).
- If a camper decides to disclose a different identity while at camp than the one that was indicated in registration, then at the discretion of the camp director, parents will be contacted only if the camper wishes to change cabins.
- We don’t expect our campers to follow or adhere to traditional gender stereotypes.
- We endeavor to provide whenever possible private changing rooms and bathrooms for any camper who desires such privacy.
- We designate the gender marker in our camper database as requested by parents/caregivers or campers.
- In the event of a medical emergency, we share pertinent information only as necessary to care for the camper, as we do for any other emergency situation.
- We provide gender affirming medications and treatments according to the campers’ doctors’ orders, as we do for any other orders.
- We recognize that campers change every year and that it may take years for them to live in their affirmed gender identity.
- We seek to protect the rights of trans* and gender non-conforming staff and volunteers, and to hire (provide) a diverse group of skilled staff and volunteers so that campers are exposed to a diverse group of potential role models.
- We hold camp staff and volunteers to the same expectations regarding trans* and gender nonconforming campers and members of the camp community.
- We train all staff and volunteers in this policy and in basic cultural responsiveness in working with trans* and gender non-conforming people.
Camp Celiac Volunteer Staff Waiver:
I acknowledge and agree that my participation in Camp Celiac (the “Camp”) and the Camp’s activities is completely voluntary and that I have familiarized myself with the Camp’s program and activities through inquiry of Camp personnel, visiting the Camp website, and/or through reading the Camp’s printed materials. I hereby give my permission to participate in these activities. I understand that these programs may include various activities in and around the water, forests, fields, and buildings on and off the Camp’s site, which might include, but are not limited to, riding as a passenger in Camp owned or leased vehicles, swimming, boating, canoeing, hiking, fire building, low ropes courses, high ropes courses, zip line, rock climbing on an artificial rock climbing wall, team sports, carnival games, and team building exercises. I understand that certain hazards and dangers are inherent in these and other Camp activities, events and programs, and I acknowledge and agree that, although the Camp has taken and will take safety measures to mitigate the risk of injury, the Camp can neither ensure or guarantee that Camp programs, equipment, premises, and/or activities will be free of hazards, accidents, injuries and/or death.
I hereby waive any claims and causes of action and release and forever discharge, Camp Celiac, Happiness Is Camping, their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, contractors and servants (together, the “Camp Parties”), from any and all liability arising from (i) any and all illness or injury or death, that I may incur during my activities at Camp Celiac, whether on Camp premises or off site, and (ii) for any lost or stolen personal belongings. I further indemnify and agree to hold the Camp Parties harmless from all claims, causes of action, demands, judgments, liabilities, costs and expenses, including without limitation attorneys’ fees, arising from my participation in activities sponsored, organized or run by the Camp Parties, including without limitation those claims, causes of action, etc. arising from the Camp Parties’ negligence. I further recognize and certify that I understand the importance of knowing and abiding by Camp rules, regulations and procedures for the safety of Camp participants.
I acknowledge and accept the liability for myself and my personal property during camp as well as during transport to and from camp.
Camp Celiac Abuse Prevention Policy:
This policy establishes how Camp Celiac will prevent the physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children and youth by its directors and volunteers. Camp Celiac seeks to create a welcoming and nurturing environment and has zero tolerance for those whose actions may jeopardize the safety, health or innocence of a minor.
**PLEASE NOTE: Camp Celiac does not currently have any employees as all positions (including board members) are staffed on a volunteer basis. It is understood that all references to “employees” shall apply to volunteers. **
Abuse: Because it takes many forms, abuse can be broken down into the following subtypes, all of which are prohibited within the scope of this policy:
- Physical abuse: Injury inflicted on a child or youth
- Sexual abuse: Contact or activity of a sexual nature between an adult and a child or youth
- Emotional abuse: Mental or emotional injury inflicted on a child or youth by the actions of an adult
- Neglect: Failure to provide adequate care for a child or youth
- Economic abuse: Deliberate misuse of the money or belongings of a child or youth
- Child: A child is defined as anyone under the age of 12. Youth: A youth is defined as anyone between 12 and 18 years of age.
Safeguards in the hiring process will be used to eliminate from consideration any candidates who display characteristics that could classify them at a high risk for violating this policy. The required screenings and background information will depend on the positions and its level of involvement with children and youth.
Candidates for positions that involve regular interaction with children or youth will be screened and selected using the following:
- Standard Camp Celiac employment application that includes signed authorization to perform necessary background checks
- Criminal background checks in any and all states where the candidate has lived in the past seven years
- Sexual offender registry checks in any and all states where the candidate has lived for the last seven years
- Driving records and any applicable certification if the position requires the transportation of children
- Phone interviews of the candidate
- If accepted as a volunteer, criminal and sexual offender registry checks will be conducted every year for those who interact with children or youth.
Candidates for positions that involve occasional contact with children or youth will be screened and selected using the following:
- Standard Camp Celiac volunteer application that includes a professional on-line authorization to perform necessary background checks
- Phone interviews of the candidate
- Driving records and any applicable certification if the position requires the transportation of children
All information collected about a candidate will be reviewed and used to determine if they are appropriate for the respective position. If accepted as a volunteer, all information collected during the approval process will be included in the volunteer’s permanent file, which will be maintained over the course of their relationship with Camp Celiac.
Personnel screenings are required regardless of current relationship status with Camp Celiac. Camp Celiac volunteers seeking to transfer into a position that involves working with children or youth must undergo the same review process as new Volunteers.
All Camp Celiac programs are designed to encourage safe interaction between volunteers and children or youth. The following guidelines are meant to keep established safeguards effective:
- Programs for children and youth must have an established adult to child ratio.
- Volunteers are restricted from being alone with a child or youth where they cannot be easily observed by others.
- Volunteers are not allowed to implement new activities or programs for children without Camp Celiac consent.
- Written permission must be obtained from a parent or guardian before any volunteer transports a child or youth in the name of Camp Celiac.
- All Children placed in the care of Camp Celiac will only be released to a parent, legal guardian or a person designated by a parent or legal guardian.
In an effort to provide a safe and healthy environment for both mind and body, the following guidelines are meant to guide Camp Celiac volunteers during their interactions with children and youth. These guidelines do not and cannot outline every situation that may be encountered while on the site, requiring volunteers to act with a certain degree of personal discretion. Because a certain action is not prohibited in this section does not mean it is acceptable behavior. Camp Celiac reserves the right to take disciplinary action against volunteers whose actions are found to be inappropriate regardless of whether they appear in this section:
- Volunteers will treat all children and youth with respect and consideration. Treatment must be fair and equal, and must not be based on sex, race, religion, sexual orientation or economic or social status. All effort must be made to avoid favoritism, or the appearance of favoritism.
- While representing Camp Celiac, volunteers must not possess, distribute, use or allow others to use any alcohol or drugs.
- Volunteers must not use harsh or inappropriate language, degrading punishment or any type of restraining device in the name of behavior management- Volunteers must not participate in or allow others to engage in any form of hazing.
- Volunteers must not have sexual contact with children or youth.
- Volunteers must not shower or bathe with or in the presence of children or youth. Discretion will be used when changing within the cabin.
- Volunteers must not use physical punishment in any form. The only time physical force is allowed to be used against a child or youth is when their actions are placing others at an immediate risk for serious harm.
- Volunteers are prohibited from sharing sleeping locations with children or youth. This includes beds, tents, hotel rooms and other similar areas. Employees can sleep in open areas with children or youth as long as the area is large enough for the employee to have their own defined sleeping areas and other employees are also present.
- Volunteers must not discuss their own sexual history, preferences or fantasies nor their use of illicit or pornographic materials while in the company of children or youth.
- Volunteers are not allowed to possess any sexually oriented materials (books, magazines, videos, clothing) when conducting business in the name of Camp Celiac.
- When one-on-one discussion or counseling is warranted, volunteer’s interaction with a child or youth will take place in an area that allows for private conversation while remaining in the view of others.
If, for any reason, a volunteer feels there is a need to make an exception to these guidelines, they must submit to their supervisor a written description of the incident and why their actions were necessary. Their report will be reviewed for wrongdoing. A copy of the original report along with any additional findings made by the reviewer will be included in the volunteer’s permanent file.